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CEO Magazine: We mine iron ore like no-one else – Print Edition

Atlas Iron CEO Sanjiv Manchanda talks responsible mining, sustainability and the power of culture during a crisis.

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“We mine iron ore like no-one else.” Sanjiv Manchanda

Atlas Iron CEO Sanjiv Manchanda talks responsible mining, sustainability and the power of culture during a crisis.

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Cutting red tape in project approvals can boost WA jobs

Western Australia's prospects of becoming the fastest-growing, highest potential State in Australia after coronavirus recession was boosted by the commitment of the Commonwealth and McGowan Governments to slash red tape for WA's resources sector.

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Mines dig State out of a hole | TheWest

WA's economy is forecast to only shrink slightly due to COVID-19 this financial year, thanks largely to the State's resilient mining sector and enormous levels of fiscal stimulus.

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WA is saving the day

It could be tagged a tale of two cities. Or perhaps more accurately, a tale of two States. But whatever title is settled on, one thing is clear: WA and Victoria have become synonymous with the best and the worst ends of the State's responses to the coronavirus crisis.

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Aussie Aussie Aussie Ore Ore Ore

How WA resources continue to carry weight of the nation.

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Treasurer Ben Wyatt says keeping WA mines open was WA’s ‘golden decision’ amid soaring iron ore price

Allowing WA’s resources sector to continue operating throughout the pandemic has proved a “golden decision” that has added billions of dollars to the national balance sheet and averted complete economic catastrophe.

The soaring iron ore price — touching $US108 a tonne yesterday — has fuelled an unexpected royalties and taxes bonanza at a time when practically every other government revenue stream has evaporated.

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Thank God for WA

As Government set to reveal biggest deficit since WWII - they will also say Australia faring better than every other country thanks to the shinning light of our mining sector.

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The West Australian – Mining will lead the recovery

While the economic benefits of Western Australia's mining and energy sector have long been acknowledged, the impacts of COVID-19 has brought home just how essential the sector is to the nation's wellbeing.

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Milk at the Mines – first delivery of Bannister Downs milk for Atlas Iron mine operations

Bannister Downs Dairy is pleased to mark the first delivery of fresh milk to Atlas Iron mine sites Mount Dove and Mount Webber in the northern Pilbara region tomorrow. Fresh milk will travel directly from Bannister Downs Dairy Farm in Northcliffe in the South West to be enjoyed my all site staff at the two Pilbara locations in a move which represents the prioritisation of employee health and well-being, along with strong support for a quality product from a locally owned and operated West Australian dairy business.

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WA CEOs give big for Vinnie’s sleep out

Atlas Iron chief executive Sanjiv Manchanda was among the biggest fundraisers in Australia for this year's CEO Sleep out, helped in part by a sizeable donation from Gina Rinehart.

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Congratulating Sanjiv

Congratulate Sanjiv, the top West Australian CEO to participate in CEO Sleep out for Vinnies.

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Celebrating Barry’s 10 years of service

Celebrating Barry's ten years of service to our mega project, Roy Hill.

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Commemorating the birthday of Lang Hancock

Just a man in his small plane, Lang discovered some of Australia's largest iron ore deposits and spent a decade lobbying government to overturn their iron ore pegging and export bans.

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Iron ore’s $100 billion surge a remedy for COVID-19

Australia’s annual iron ore export revenue is poised to crack $100 billion - a record for any commodity – as prices of the steel-making ingredient surge on the back of mine shutdowns in Brazil and strong demand from a resurgent post-COVID-19 China.

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