Safety & Wellbeing

We’re committed to the health, safety and overall wellbeing of our employees and contractors.

At Atlas we are committed to ensuring every employee and contractor goes home without injury at the end of every shift.

We maintain this core priority of health and safety through robust processes and innovation. At Atlas, we also strongly believe that the workplace should be a welcoming and diverse environment, where courageous and passionate people can thrive.

Training & development

Our robust health and safety culture is upheld through ongoing education and training, visible leadership, clear expectations for performance and a high level of employee engagement. We also work closely with our contracting partners to maintain effective and consistent health and safety standards across all operations.

We all play our role

Our safety culture at Atlas is one of accountability: each of us has a responsibility for our own safety, the safety of others and to identify any opportunities to improve health and safety performance across the business. We are never complacent; instead, we are always looking to improve the way we do things.   

Health and safety innovation

We employ innovative solutions and processes to optimise health and safety across our projects, for example installing fatigue and distraction monitoring systems for our trucking operations. We responded rapidly to the COVID-19 situation, introducing video conferencing updates very early to keep everyone safely connected.

A culture of trust

We value courage, trust and the indomitable spirit at Atlas. This means that the workplace is one where we all work together and develop trust amongst the team, suppliers, customers and communities.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Atlas we are committed to fostering a culture that promotes the mental health and wellbeing of our people. We aim to provide a mentally healthy workplace characterised by effective risk management that enables all employees and contractors to maintain control of and improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Health and Safety Policy


People Policy


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Group Executive News

October 12, 2024

Front-row seat to victory

Roy Hill rowers will have a powerful reminder of who they are rowing for when they take on this year's Corporate Cup Regatta.

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